Melody Maker - 17 February
Alvin Lee, who emerged from the ashes of Ten
Years After to form Ten Years Later earlier this year,
flies into Britain next month to play a one-off show
London’s Hammersmith Odeon with his new band.
The band – Lee (guitar, vocals) Mick Hawksworth (bass)
and Tom Compton
(drums), started a European tour in May that included
a show in front of 5,000 Parisians. Melody Makers own
Chris Welch was there for the evening and witnessed a
show that included “Good Morning Little Schoolgirl.”
“Help Me” and the song Lee once vowed never to play
again, “Going Home”. Since, Europe and the release of
the bands first album, Lee has been playing in
America, but he and Ten Years Later return to Britain
for the Hammersmith show on September 8, 1978
18 February 1978

The Alvin Lee Photo to
the left, is from this German T.V. guide magazine seen
above. The Alvin photo was a part of Brigitte's vast
collection of clippings. By accident, I stumbled upon
the original cover on
ebay. It gives
us great pleasure to reconnect the original
source with the clippings.This gives us a
valuable time frame within which to work Every
fragment is a part of the whole Ten Years After /
Alvin Lee history.
<-- "...In March the band will
be on tour in Germany"

"Rocket Fuel"
released in April 1978
Tour Dates 1978 Germany

April 4, 1978 Alvin Lee and Ten
Years Later, Audimax, Hamburg
Photo by Jens Strube

1978, April 8 - ALVIN LEE &
TEN YEARS LATER in Stuttgart at Gustav-Siegle Haus

Stage Set
Photos by Christoph Müller -

John Hembrow

Alvin Lee's second

John Hembrow, Mick
Hawksworth, Alvin Lee

Tom Compton, Alvin

10 April 1978 - Ten Years Later -
Hochschule der Künste, Berlin, Germany
26 April 1978 - Pavilion de
10 May, 1978 -
ROCK HEBDO, French newspaper

front page
Ten Years Later in Paris, 26
April 1978 - Photos: Gilles Bascop

French Magazine ROCK HEBDO,
10 May 1978 - page 9
(Contribution by Christoph Müller)
"Melody Maker" mentions recent
concert in Paris
May 1978 - Melody Maker

The English tamed a monster that terrorised the
streets of Paris last week. A giant boiled egg seven
feet in its cup, was manfully tackled by Alvin Lee
with a flying leap the drew cheers from revellers
spilling across the cobblestones at 3:00 am. The
monster had wobbled majestically along La Rue Farncois
Miron, propelled by a team of bearded madmen who
turned out to be, Alvin’s road-crew. They had captured
the prize and presented it to the phantom guitarist as
a token of their love and affection. There was a lot
of affection for Alvin on this night of nights. It
marked a return to active service by one of the giants
of the rock guitar. If Alvin ever felt uncomfortable,
worried or embarrassed about making a comeback, with a
band called Ten Years Later, he didn’t show it in the
slightest on this trip to France last week. Earlier,
there had been dates in Germany where he had been
greeted with
heart-warming fervour, and the fans at the Pavilion
Porte de Panpin on Wednesdaylast week roared, whistled
and stamped their approval after a blistering
performance. When Tom Compton on an enormous drum kit,
and Mick Hawksworth on a double necked bass guitar.
Ten Years Later are strickly into hard rock violence,
as all three are survivors of the 1960’s.
But for Tom and Mick, it’s a case of success arriving
after some years of struggle.
They played Good Morning Little School Girl – Friday
The 13th – but the best feature of the
night came with Tom and Mick pounding out a simple
four to the bar beat, while the guitar player
extemporised, quoted from other songs, including
Sunshine of Your Love, and played every rock guitar
lick of the past fifteen years. As a piece of history,
it was quite unique.
I think it was on "Writing You A Letter" that Tom
played his drum solo, withsome splended bass drum
work, a ferocious turn of speed and good sense of
But all sense of proprieties of rock were stripped
away as Alvin cocked his head to the chants of the
audience – "Going Home" he asked ! The bands album,
just released has already sold
300,000 copies in America, and after their European
warm-up, eyes are already turning towards the States.
To my surprise, it transpired that Ten Years Later
have already played a tour of England, and Alvin who
went unrecognised in Manchester, was told he was a
brilliant young guitarist who should get a recording
contract. Alvin told the would be A&R man, that he
already had nine albums. At one club, punks thought
the added attraction was to be
Johnny Rotten and the Sex Pistols, who were actually
doing the same thing at the time, and on the same
circuit. "They kept yelling for punk-rock, so I took a
mouthful of beer and spat it all over them." Said
Alvin. "They loved it!" Certifiable Maniacs drove us
through the streets of Paris at 70 miles per hour.
Here the road crew, astounded by us desending the
steep steps into the caves where we were drinking, and
armed with the giant "Polystyrene Egg." Apparently,
the night before they had nicked (stolen) a "Plastic
Chicken" in Germany and presented it to Alvin on
stage. "Oh, I don’t know what to say!" said Alvin as
he attempted to restrain
Tom Compton from carving the monster up with a table
knife. Alvin says, "There was even an attempt to
re-form Ten Years After with Chick Churchill and Ric
Lee, which had apparently been a disapointment." "The
audience reaction has been really good on this tour."
"With Ten Years
After, it got to the point where it was all too much.
We didn’t have the time to change the music – ya
know." Alvin’s Comeback – Ten Years Later – Alvin Lee
Returns !

11 June 1978 - CIAO2001

page 62 & 63

CIAO2001, page 64
Alvin Lee Tour Dates 1978 - USA and
May 3, 1978
– Cobo Arena Detroit Michigan
3 May 1978 - TEN YEARS LATER at Cobo Hall, Detroit, MI
Thomas Weschler
Contributions by JOHN T :)

Alvin Lee / Ten Years Later
1978 - RKO Orpheum Theatre, South Bend, Indiana
May 19, 1978
– Winterland San Francisco, California Alvin
plays the following: Gonna Turn You On – Good Morning
Little School Girl – Help Me – Ain’t Nothin´ Shakin´ (but
the leaves on the tree) – Scat Thing – Hey Joe and I’m
Goin´ Home.
May 24, 1978 - Alvin Lee & Ten Years Later
Uptown Theater in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
Opening act were "Shooting Star", a local Kansas
City, Missouri band that one year later would become
the first US act to be signed to Richard Branson's
Virgin Records.
Our Thanks to Jay Plumb
for sharing his memories and ticket stub with all of
us |
May 28, 1978,
Dallas |
May 31, 1978
– Armadillo World Headquarters, Austin, Texas
July 1978 –
Stage West, Hartford, Connecticut
July 23, 1978
– Calderone Concert Hall, Hempstead Long Island, New York.
This concert was broadcast Live on WLIR radio. The songs
included: Gonna Turn You On – Good Morning Little School
Girl – Help Me – It’s A Gaz – Ain’t Nothin´ Shakin´ which
also includes a twenty minute drum solo from Tom Compton.
Scat Thing – Hey Joe – I’m Goin´ Home – Choo – Choo – Mama
– and Rip It Up.
July 27, 1983
- Stanley Theatre, Pittsburgh, PA |
August 11, 1978
– Municipal Auditorium, San Antonio, Texas |
August 26, 1978
– Dona Park Ulm, Germany – other acts on the bill include
the following: Frank Zappa – Joan Baez – John McLaughlin –
and The One Truth Band – The Scorpions and Brand x.
September 1, 1978 –
Radrennbahn Mungersdorf Cologne, Germany
September 3, 1978 –
Ludwigspark Stadion Saabrücken, Germany
September 8,
1978 – At the famous Hammersmith Odeon in London,
September 13,
1978 – At the Grugahalle in Essen, Germany. The entire
concert was video taped / recorded and several songs were
broadcast on the “Rockpalast Music Television Program”.
September 29,
1978 – At the Deutschland Halle in Berlin, Germany
June 1978 - POPULAR
Magazine No. 60, Spain

front page

Ten Years Later in Paris, 26 April
- Photos: Martin J. Louis or Juan M. Mercado

page 43

Many Thanks to Jay Plumb:
"A snapshot of how Alvin Lee fit into the Kansas City
concert scene of 1978."

click picture to enlarge

"Fingerflink" im PDF Format

Bangor, Maine - 1978
“I first saw
Alvin Lee and Ten Years After at London’s Royal Albert
Hall in early May 1969, where they appeared with Jethro
Tull and an unknown and now long since forgotten band
called Clouds. As a guitar player in my own right, I was
blown away. I was fortunate to see Ten Years After four
more times between then and March of 1973, all in
Berlin, Germany.
The concerts
included the Berlin Superfest, which featured: Ten Years
After with Procol Harem, when Robin Trower was with the
group, Canned Heat, on the same day that they found Alan
“Blind Owl” Wilson dead in California, and Jimi Hendrix,
in what proved to be Jimi’s last “Live” concert. Ten Years
After, was always a class act, taking time out to
acknowledge their fans and pay them respect. It was some
years later, while I was a working reporter with a Maine
daily newspaper, that I got to meet Alvin Lee in person
backstage before an appearance at the Bangor Auditorium.
At that time, Alvin was heading his new band configuration
called, Ten Years Later, and the audience they would be
playing to was extremely small. Alvin and his crew came
out swinging and burned the house down.
I’ve played guitar
for more than thirty years now and Alvin’s influence on my
style is hard to miss. Only a handful of guitarist have
ever made me stop and take notice, and Alvin Lee stands at
the head of the class. He is truly an original, and Alvin
and Ten Years After more than deserve to be inducted into
the “Rock `n´ Roll Hall of Fame.” They’ve paid their dues,
and their influence on a generation of blues-based rockers
cannot be over-looked.
By Peter Weaver

Alvin Lee and Ten Years Later
in Michigan, 1978 - Photo by Thomas Weschler |
CIRCUS Magazine -
July 20, 1978
By Daisann McLane
and Stan Soocher
After nearly a
decade of false starts and stops, Alvin Lee’s come round
to rock and roll again.
Eight years ago,
he became a legend at Woodstock. His guitar rode the fast
lane, and his solos on the classic “I’m Goin´ Home”
screeched like burnt rubber on the track of the
Indianapolis 500. Ten Years After, Lee’s British – bred
rock and blues band, became one of the most in-demand acts
on the American tour circuit. But his next eight years
were all downhill.
Now, with a new
band, Ten Years Later, and a new album, “Rocket Fuel” on
RSO records, Alvin Lee is out to recapture the rock and
roll audience. “After Woodstock, our audiences changed,”
Lee recalls. “We got the rowdy fourteen and fifteen year
olds, and all they wanted to hear was Goin´ Home”. I got
very disillusioned with rock, and I experimented with lots
of other kinds of music to see if anything would get me
off again. Ten Years Later does just that.
My drummers got me
buying running shoes, and we have a go round the block
every now and then. It helps keep the energy level up,”
the 32 year old guitarist laughs.
Sitting in a hotel
room in Phoenix, Arizona (one stop on a four week American
swing), the scruffy, rumpled Lee sounds like he’s more
inclined towards napping than running laps.
His thick working
class accent (Alvin grew up in Nottingham, the “Detroit
Michigan of England”) often slurs his words. But he makes
his reasons for “coming full circle” in his musical career
quite clear. “I realized that what you do best is what
comes easiest to you.
One night George
Harrison was telling me how he wished he could write
simple stuff like Little Richard does. I told him, ”It’s
easy, you just vamp in A, then go up to the D when you
feel like it.” Well we both had a good laugh, cause what
is easy for me isn’t always easy for the next bloke. One
more thing brought me around; I realized that if I want to
hear Jerry Lee Lewis, I would feel very cheated if I
didn’t get to hear “Whole Lotta Shakin´.” Jerry Lee Lewis
is one of three musicians (the others are Chuck Berry and
Little Richard) that Alvin Lee idolized as a youth in
Nottingham. “That’s why I never liked the Beatles very
much,” he explains. “I thought they did weaker versions of
those great Chuck Berry tunes that I liked.”
Alvin’s dad, who
collected old 78-RPM records, was responsible for his
son’s lifelong romance with the blues.
After leaving
school at sixteen, Alvin formed the Jaybirds who became
Ten Years After with a name change in 1967. The blues were
enjoying renewed popularity in England at the time, and
Ten Years After’s blues / rock fusion made them one of the
most popular of the revival bands. Their early albums,
especially “Undead,” that was recorded “Live at Klooks
Kleek” a small British club, (“you could hear the sweat
dripping off the walls that night,” Alvin recalls), earned
them a spot in the rock and roll history books. But that
moment on the stage at Woodstock was their peak.
Subsequent albums sounded tired, and Alvin complained to
the press that Ten Years After had become a “Travelling
Jukebox”. His solo experiments with country-rock, jazz and
funk failed to generate the popular excitement of Ten
Years After.
Two years ago,
Alvin retreated to his 15th century home in
Oxford, England, and spent his days puttering around his
barn-turned-studio. “When I first met Alvin in 1976, he
was trying to put together the old Ten Years After”,
related his manager Jon Brewer, a veteran of several large
English talent agencies, who got an invitation from Alvin
to come up and hear the band.
Brewer reassured
Alvin, that there was an audience for hard, energetic,
rock and roll. Alvin decided to recruit some younger
musicians to get that excitement, and he found bassist
Mick Hawksworth and drummer Tom Compton. “When I
auditioned Tom,” Alvin remembers, “he drummed like a
freight train pushing you down the rails. He impressed me
straight away.
“Alvin and his new
band were christened “Ten Years Later”, and worked ten
hours a day, five days a week on brand new material. “It
was like jamming two and a half years into one”.
As for Alvin Lee’s
exhaustive tour schedule, Brewer chuckles. “I don’t think
that Alvin’s laced up his racing shoes today, but he’s got
tremendous reserves. He goes out on the road, but he’ll
never go out of his head”.


Albany -
Saratoga Springs Rock Music Festival 1978
Blue Oyster Cult, Alvin Lee of Ten Years After with his
new band band Ten Years Later, Rick Derringer and the
British Lions

12 August, 1978
- "Alvin's return" - Melody Maker
3 September 1978 - Saarbrücken,
Ludwigspark Stadion

Alvin Lee stepping out of Frank Zappa's
Photos: Franzjörg Krieg
contributed by Christoph Müller :) |

8, September
1978 - Alvin Lee & Ten Years Later at Hammersmith
Odeon, London

3.Rockpalast Rocknacht
15.-16.September 1978
LEE TEN YEARS LATER ist die dritte Band, die beim
3. ROCKPALAST FESTIVAL in der Essener Grugahalle
live auftreten wird. Der Engländer ALVIN LEE zählt
seit über 10 Jahren zu den besten und populärsten
Rockgitarristen. Er gründete 1966 die Gruppe TEN
YEARS AFTER, die mit intensiven Tourneen innerhalb
der nächsten Jahre zu den bekanntesten und
bestverdienenden Gruppen überhaupt wurde. Ab 1973
trat ALVIN LEE vor allem als Solist auf,
veröffentlichte Platten und spielte Konzerte mit
wechselnden Begleitmusikern. Anfang 1978 gründete
er wieder eine feste Band, TEN YEARS LATER, mit
der er auch beim FESTIVAL auftreten wird. - (
Avin Lee? Da denkt man unwillkürlich an die
Gitarre mit dem Peace Symbol, Woodstock und "Goin´
"Woodstock Atmosphäre wollte vor dem Konzert
jedoch nicht so recht aufkommen. Alvin Lee war
sehr skeptisch "Weißt Du ich bin schon oft genug
betrogen worden." Er reiste mit zwei Managern an
und es gab jede Menge Beschwerden. Die Gitarre
machte zudem Brumm Probleme auf der Anlage und die
Tonabnehmer mußten heimlich abgeschirmt werden, da
das bloße Anrühren dieses Woodstock Wahrzeichens
ein Sakrileg war. Nach dem Konzert war Alvin
jedoch zufrieden: "Das war die beste TV Show, in
der ich aufgetreten bin."
- aus 10 Jahre Rockpalast
Im August 1965 gründete der am 19.12.44 in
Nottingham geborene Alvin Lee die Gruppe Ten Years
After. Der Name bezog sich auf sein erstes
Zusammentreffen mit Leo Lyons, zehn Jahre nach
Geburt des Rock `N Roll. Ihre ersten Erfolge
hatten sie in England, der weltweite Durchbruch
kam mit ihrem phantastischen Auftritt in
Woodstock, Goin´ Home wurde zu ihrem
Markenzeichen. Die Studio Lp´s hatten nur
verhaltenen Erfolg, die Stärke lag in den Live
Auftritten. Dort konnte Alvin Lee seine
Fingerfertigkeit demonstrieren und die Mischung
aus Boogie, Rock `N Roll und Blues mit seinen
Hochgeschwindigkeits Läufen bereichern. Die Live
LP "Recorded Live" von 1973 ist ein Beweis dafür.
Der Abschluß für Ten Years After sollte am 22.3.74
das Konzert im Londoner Rainbow Theatre sein. Nach
10 Jahren Zusammenarbeit und unzähligen Touren
löste die Band sich auf. Lee gründete die Alvin
Lee and Company. 1975 tourten Ten Years After noch
einmal in den USA. Im Jahr 1978 stellte Lee seine
neue Band "Ten Years Later" vor, ein Trio das
etwas rockiger war und ein gelungenes Konzert im
Rockpalast gab. 1980 wurde die Band wieder
aufgelöst, zeitweise gab es wieder die Company und
1988 sogar eine Reunion von Ten Years After die
auf 4 Festivals in Deutschland spielten. Noch
Heute tourt Alvin Lee in verschiedenen Formationen
und spielt auch öfters bei Jazz Festivals.
Alvin Lee - guit/voc
Tom Compton - drums
Mick Hawksworth - bass
01 Gonna Turn You On
02 Help Me
03 Ain't Nothing Shakin'
04 Bass Boogie
05 Hey Joe
06 I'm Going Home
07 Choo Choo Mama
08 Rip It Up
09 Sweet Little Sixteen
10 Roll Over Beethoven
(3'07'') |
TYL backstage with Alan Bangs (left) and Albrecht Metzger (right) from Rockpalast
Ten Years Later - backstage
16 September 1978

By Karl Dallas
Oh dear, I thought, same old thing: a hundred million
choruses of “Going Home,” and each more boring than the
last. Then I thought: That’s no attitude to take when
you’re going to a big comeback concert, so I pulled
myself together, tried to remember those halcyon through
sweaty days down at the Marquee, when Alvin and his band
really deserved the title of guitar heroes, buckled on
my faded denims and prepared to enjoy myself at
Hammersmith Odeon.
I’m afraid I was right, the first time. Undoubtedly,
there is still an audience for this kind of thing, as
evidence the seemingly unending stream of sound alike
heavy metal bands. American record companies seem to
dredge up from old corners of the mid-west, and though
the audience was not jam-packed, there were enough of
them to ensure that Harvey Goldsmith didn’t loose any
money on the gig.
He came out in person, incidentally. To ask for a
minutes silence for Keith Moon, and got it surprisingly,
which was nice. Then he introduced the band, and all
hell let loose long before
the interval had ended, about ninety per cent of the
audience had left their seats and packed the area in
front of the stage, and they got no hassles from the
usually ubiquitous Odeon bouncers, for doing so. Fists
grabbed for sky as Alvin came on, and from then on it
was your actual time warp. Woodstock and all that, the
fingered V-Signs, (two arms extended up into the air,
making a third V). and even to the peace symbol on
Alvin’s guitar.
Me, I found it quite easy to stay in my seat. It wasn’t
merely that it was so predictable, which was probably
the charm of it all to the audience, but that Alvin
seemed determined to grab for himself the mantle of all
the heave metal guitarist who had gone before.
So we got a bit of Cream, a version of Jimi Hendrix’s
“Hey Joe” that was sufficiently alike to provoke invidious comparison,
but not good enough to be described as a true tribute.
And even,
incongruously enough a brief chorus of “That’ll Be The
I might have thought Alvin was thrashing around,
wondering what in hell to do next, if everything hadn’t
been so tight, for this is a good little band. If only
the leader could display a little more creative
inspiration. After the first couple of numbers, a
treacherous thought crossed my mind, that I had actually
heard it all by now, and I could reasonably slope off
without hearing the same licks done to death for the
rest of an evening, which I might spend more profitably
elsewhere. I perished the thought and sat it through to
the end, which was (of course) “Going Home”.
It didn’t go on as long as it did in the Woodstock
movie, but out of its time it didn’t have that
performances period charm either. I chewed my knuckles
and waited for the inevitable, because I think those
heavy metal freaks would have torn the place apart if
Alvin hadn’t come back, though God knows why, They had
all the same licks on all their Ten Years After albums
at home.
December 6, 1978 - Rock Hebdo,

Front Page: Ten Years
Later in Paris, April 26 - Photo: Gilles Bascop

page 7 |